

It is recommended use Python 3.7/3.8 for test due to some conflicts in 3.9.

Install test requirements:

pip install -r test-requirements.txt

Use the following commands to check Maigret:

# run linter and typing checks
# order of checks%
# - critical syntax errors or undefined names
# - flake checks
# - mypy checks
make lint

# run testing with coverage html report
# current test coverage is 60%
make text

# open html report
open htmlcov/index.html

How to publish new version of Maigret

Collaborats rights are requires, write Soxoj to get them.

For new version publishing you must create a new branch in repository with a bumped version number and actual changelog first. After it you must create a release, and GitHub action automatically create a new PyPi package.

1. Make a new branch locally with a new version name. Check the current version number here: Increase only patch version (third number) if there are no breaking changes.

git checkout -b 0.4.0
  1. Update Maigret version in three files manually:


  • maigret/

  • docs/source/

  1. Create a new empty text section in the beginning of the file with a current date:

## [0.4.0] - 2022-01-03
  1. Get auto-generate release notes:

  • Open

  • Click Choose a tag, enter v0.4.0 (your version)

  • Click Create new tag

  • Press + Auto-generate release notes

  • Copy all the text from description text field below

  • Paste it to empty text section in CHANGELOG.txt

  • Remove redundant lines ## What’s Changed and ## New Contributors section if it exists

  • Close the new release page

  1. Commit all the changes, push, make pull request

git add -p
git commit -m 'Bump to YOUR VERSION'
git push origin head
  1. Merge pull request

  2. Create new release

  • Open again

  • Click Choose a tag

  • Enter actual version in format v0.4.0

  • Also enter actual version in the field Release title

  • Click Create new tag

  • Press + Auto-generate release notes

  • Press “Publish release” button

  1. That’s all, now you can simply wait push to PyPi. You can monitor it in Action page: